Speaking at the 3rd IPRA International Public Relations Congress & Latin American Meeting in Lima, Peru, IPR CEO Frank Ovaitt presented a keynote presentation on the process for reaching consensus on public relations research and measurement standards.

“Clients are demanding that public relations practitioners develop and apply best practices, common definitions and standards to their research and measurement.  If we don’t do this ourselves, those clients and their purchasing departments will do it for us.  Thus, the Institute for Public Relations has recruited a broad-based Coalition for Public Relations Research Standards to create a total platform to facilitate comparative evaluation of programs, to harmonize definitions and methods, and to encourage professionals to focus on creative research design and insights.  The coalition (which includes the Council of Public Relations Firms, the Global Alliance, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communications, the IPR Measurement Commission and the Public Relations Society of America) brings together the views of clients, agencies and research providers, following procedures recommended by the International Standards Organization for developing consensus on voluntary industry-wide standards. “

About the Coalition for Public Relations Research Standards

What are Standards?

Six Step Process for Research Standards

Deliverables and How You Can Be Involved

Institute for Public Relation’s Mission

Customer Demand for Research Standards

PDF: Reaching Consensus: Standards for Public Relations Research and Measurement
Frank Ovaitt
Institute for Public Relations
September 2012

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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