This blog is provided by the IPR Measurement Commission based on the original article in Public Relations Review. Measurement and evaluation (M&E) have long been said to be the “Holy Grail” in public relations. And the development of professional standards for M&E may be one of the most promising ways to advance public relations practice. Hence, … Continue reading Tracing the ‘March to Standards’ in PR Measurement and Evaluation
This blog post is provided by the IPR Measurement Commission in celebration of Measurement Month in November. For all the obvious reasons, 2020 feels like ten years rolled into one, so 2010 can seem like a really long time ago. That was when, at the 2nd European Summit on Measurement in Barcelona, AMEC introduced the … Continue reading Going Back to the (Psychological) Roots of Measurement and Evaluation →
This blog post is provided by the IPR Measurement Commission in celebration of Measurement Month in November. Much of the focus in internal communication is on functional, pre-and post-test measurement and evaluation of campaign initiatives. While assessing outputs, outgrowths, and outcomes of communication campaigns and initiatives are both important and fundamental to practice, practitioners might consider … Continue reading Measuring and Evaluating: How Internal Communication Creates Value →
This blog post is provided by the IPR Measurement Commission in celebration of Measurement Month in November There have been major advances in measurement and evaluation (M&E) in terms of the technology and tools available, which now include no-cost web analytics tools such as Google Analytics (basic version) and low-cost applications such as Hootsuite for … Continue reading Avoiding “Substitution Error” to Get Past Half-Way M&E →
This essay first appeared in PRNEWS. As communicators gear up in 2020, we reflect on the past, look forward to the future and consider the many opportunities and challenges ahead. Thoughts turn to new beginnings, fresh starts and replenished budgets. To succeed, we must discard old notions, reject tired chestnuts and dispel the myths that stifle our … Continue reading Dispelling The Myths That Are Killing PR →
Recently, members of the IPR Measurement Commission joined in an online discussion following a question by Elizabeth Rector of Cisco asking her fellow members what percentage of the total communication budget is typically spent on insights, metrics and research throughout the industry. Leaders in the profession are wondering: do we have sufficient data regarding how … Continue reading How Much of the Budget Should be Spent on Research and Insights? An IPR Measurement Commission Roundtable →
The results of a recently released study suggest that digitalization is the key technology trend to affect PR/Comms in the mid-term yet very few respondents envision their role to “have a research led strategic insight function” within their organization in the near future. It is fair to assume that discussions about giving a central role … Continue reading Measurement and Evaluation Remain a Challenge for PR: According to PR2025 Delphi Study →
This post is written by the 2017 IPR Don Bartholomew Award For Excellence in Research winner, sponsored by Download the full study here. What is the current state of nonprofits’ public relations measurement and evaluation? How can we better measure and evaluate communication as well as better use findings? This paper provides an accessible, yet comprehensive introduction … Continue reading A Guide: How Nonprofits Can Better Use Measurement →
Here are three quick tips on how to easily expand your PR measurement program outside of your home country. Getting started with international communications measurement can be a daunting task—it is certainly going to increase your costs, and barriers are not insignificant. But it is very doable if you take it in baby steps: Step … Continue reading How to Get Started With International Communications Measurement: 3 Baby Steps →
Just getting starting in evaluating risk communication? Here are five basic but vital tips: 1. Measure before and after. The key to being able to attribute change in attitude or behavior is knowing levels of awareness, understanding, and behavioral intent before you start your campaign. You need a benchmark against which to compare the same … Continue reading 5 Quick Beginner’s Tips to Improve Risk Communication Measurement →
Get over your fear of data. Instead, master it, dominate it, and bend it to your will. Tame your data and it can be your ticket to stardom. Tip #1: Focus on the story. You’re probably the creative type and hate numbers, so forget the data itself and focus instead on the story that needs … Continue reading Make Data Work For You: 4 Quick Tips →
If you’re trying to get started in measurement, you need these 12 checklists. Sorry, no partridges or pear trees, but we can promise more efficiency, bigger budgets, and maybe a raise if you use all of them. Getting started in communications measurement and evaluation can be slow and frustrating. It helps to have a handy … Continue reading A Special Gift for Measurement Beginners: The 12 Checklists of Christmas →