Reputation and PR

The following article was originally posted in Tom Watson’s blog, FiftyOneZeroOne.   I’ve been following the various debates on blogs (PR Moment, Wadds, etc) and in PR Week (May 17) about the reputation of public relations.  ...


Ten Leaders In Global Employee Communications Tell How They Do It

The first element of an Institute for Public Relations (IPR) research program exploring best practices in global employee communications is now available free on the IPR website.  The results of in-depth interviews can be found in a new report entitled “Best- In-Class Practices in Employee Communica ...


My Three Cents: A Higher Purpose

The following article was originally posted in Ken Makovsky’s blog, My Three Cents.   Public relations and capitalism have something in common.  Both rely on some of the same principles:  relationships, mutuality and community.  ...


Employees as Ambassadors and their Effect on Corporate Reputation

Employees are ambassadors of their employers. That idea of “ambassadorship” isn’t really new, and it is much more literal than figurative. Employees (and, really, members of any organization) are insiders who represent their employers to people outside the company’s walls. That insider status makes employees authoritative and authentic communicators about their employers. So the natural question is, “How well do employees represent their companies?” Notice that the question ...


Key Lessons from this year’s IPRRC

IPRRC-NewLOGO-1At this year’s International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC) 108 papers were presented on a range of topics from social media measurement to new trends in corporate social responsibility. The presented research shared new insights ...
