This summary is provided by the IPR Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Ariel Investments explored the perspectives of leaders and employees on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

Two surveys were conducted between August and October 2023. The first survey gathered responses from 165 Black, Latino, and Latina corporate directors from Fortune 500 companies, while the second surveyed 2,909 full- or part-time employees in the United States.

Key findings include:
1.) 78% of directors reported that conversations about DEI are “thoughtful, balanced, and intentional,” compared to 84% in 2021.
– However, 54% of directors believed too little attention is placed on race and ethnicity compared to other facets of diversity, such as gender identification, sexual orientation, and political affiliation.
2.) 63% of directors felt DEI is very important to company leadership, while only 42% of workers felt the same.
3.) The top two reasons directors said their company spends time on DEI issues were “interest in experience of diverse employees” (66%) and “shareholder concerns” (44%).
4.) 46% of workers in leadership positions felt the responsibility to speak out on social issues.
– However, this number increased among Generation Z (70%), Black men (70%), and Black women (63%).

Read the full report here

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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