This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.

Dr. Yeunjae Lee, Dr. Enzhu Dong, and Dr. Ruoyu Sun examined internal communication about environmental issues and the impact it has on pro-environment behaviors among employees. That is, when the organization creates internal messaging regarding the environment, how does this impact whether employees intend to change or initiate behavior regarding the environment? This study is part of a larger dialogue regarding public relations, corporate social responsibility, and how organizations and their people can make changes both locally and globally.

The authors surveyed 443 employees in the United States in December 2022. Participants were from the hospitality industry, which is an industry that is known for championing environmental initiatives. 40% of respondents held a bachelor’s degree and 21% held a master’s degree.

Key Findings:

1.) Internal communication regarding sustainability encouraged employee involvement in the company’s environmental initiatives and reduced employees’ perceived obstacles toward participating in environmental efforts.
2.) Employees were more likely to follow the company’s environmental policies and engage in eco-friendly behaviors when they viewed their employer’s environmental initiatives as important, felt a strong connection to them, and felt less constrained in addressing them.
3.) Communicators should create opportunities for dialogue, both formally and informally. This allows employees to express their thoughts and suggestions on corporate sustainability initiatives and any constraints employees face in carrying out green workplace behaviors.

Implications for Practice

Organizations and public relations practitioners should 1) emphasize the importance of corporate environmental initiatives and highlight the essential roles employees play in achieving sustainability commitments, 2) use the multi-channel approach to improve employees’ awareness and involvement in corporate environmental efforts, 3) understand the constraints employees face in adopting green workplace behaviors by listening to their feedback, and 4) offer practical solutions and alternative ways to overcome obstacles, reducing employees’ perceived barriers.

Read the original article here.


Lee, Y., Dong, E., & Sun, R. (2024). The Power of Internal Communication for Environmental Sustainability in Promoting Employee’s Pro-Environmental Behaviors. Journal of Public Relations Research, 1–16.

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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