The Conference Board and Ragan Communications examined the election-related initiatives companies are launching internally leading up to the elections, and how communicators manage election-related reputational risks.

An online survey of 1,031 Americans was conducted from April 25 – May 4, 2024.

Key findings include:

1.) Companies said they planned two initiatives internally:
–Encouraging employees to vote (52%)
–Giving time off to vote (43%)
2.) 59% of companies said they “stay clear from endorsing a particular candidate internally or externally.”
3.) Companies’ top election-related challenges include ensuring a civil, productive workplace and heightened focus on reputation management, with 42% of respondents saying that managerial effort will have to increase to overcome these challenges.
4.) Most companies felt that the election won’t change company messaging, although 26% of companies say they intend to avoid divisive topics.

For more information on how to communicate internally ahead of an election, read the IPR Guide “How Communicators Can Help Manage Election Disinformation in the Workplace.”

See the original study here.

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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