EUPRERA outlined current practices and future developments in managing communication in companies, agencies, non-profits, and other organizations.
A survey of 1,672 communication professionals in 43 countries throughout 2022.
Key Findings:
1.) Diversity, equality, and inclusion are influencing organizational policies and communications worldwide, but only 51% of communicators in Europe have closely followed global trends and discussions in this area.
2.) Most practitioners have experienced empathic traits from communication leaders; this has a significant positive impact on commitment, engagement, and mental health.
3.) Very few communication departments have established an advanced use of CommTech to digitalize internal workflows and communication activities.
— Current organizational structures are identified as the main obstacle to rapid transformation.
4.) Quality of consulting in communications is difficult to achieve.
— 3-in-4 respondents would like to see appropriate standards that cover either consultants, clients themselves, or both groups.
Find the original report here.