Earlier in her career, Pauline founded Precis, one of the longest-established media analysis companies. She has extensive experience in working with major corporations, both nationally and internationally. Her expertise spans numerous industry sectors, including automotive, finance, utilities, pharmaceuticals, technology, government, and consumer products. In 2000, Pauline moved from Europe to the United States to establish Millward Brown Precis in the U.S. market.

She has wide-ranging media analysis knowledge in the semi-controlled and uncontrolled media space. Her expertise extends beyond this into examining the contribution of publicity and PR to the overall health of a brand, linking media analysis to other research and metrics. In addition, Pauline plays an active role within Millward Brown’s Thought Leadership, Marketing Solutions group and Brand Tracking Forum.

Pauline is a member of the Institute for Public Relations’ (IPR) Commission on Public Relations Measurement & Evaluation and has been a presenter at the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) World Congress, the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Conference, the International Public Relations Research Conference, American Strategic Management Institute (ASMI) conferences and for Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communications (AMEC), in addition to speaking at client conferences and leading workshops. She has also been a judge for various awards, including the PR Week Awards and PRSA Silver Anvils, and is the recipient of three AMEC gold awards for media analysis.