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Every day, new technological innovations change the way journalists engage with their audiences. As these relationships evolve, so too does the relationship between the media and communication professionals.

With such constant change, how can you ensure your strategy is up to date?

The new Cision State of the Media 2016 Report helps communication professionals stay on the cutting edge with insights gleaned from a survey of 346 journalists, bloggers and influencers and as well as analysis from Cision’s Media Research Team.

The annual report looks at the trends that shaped the media in 2015 and what we can expect in the years ahead, so you can shape your outreach accordingly and earn more media mentions. Here is a brief overview of several key findings from the report:social

The Value of Social Media

Today, journalists are increasingly using social media, making it a valuable platform for communication professionals to engage and establish rapport. The report found that 73 percent of journalists use social media to build relationships and 72 percent use it for marketing and promotion.

While Twitter and Facebook remain the leading platforms, several new social channels have popped up in the last year. Live-streaming apps Periscope and Meerkat are gaining traction, and 10.6 percent of respondents believe Periscope will grow in value in 2016.

Media Outreach

With the right pitch, brands can get valuable media coverage, but how can they ensure their pitch will get a response? Ninety-three percent of journalists surveyed said that they prefer to receive pitches via email.

But just sending a pitch won’t guarantee coverage. Pitches with all relevant details will gain the most attention, says 54 percent of journalists. When pitching a story, communication professionals should answer the who, what, where, when and why questions and include other important information, such as multimedia materials that will appeal to today’s on-the-go audiences.

Room for Improvement

The relationship between communication professionals and journalists has largely remained unchanged, but there are still areas for improvement. Survey respondents named “Tailoring the pitch to suit my beat/coverage” (78.5 percent) and “Researching/understanding my media outlet” (77.3 percent) as the top two areas where communication professionals need to improve.

When reaching out to media professionals, research is especially important. A comprehensive media database like Cision’s can help you find accurate information on reporters and outlets, pitching preferences and real-time looks at the topics they are currently covering.


Overall, Cision’s State of the Media 2016 Report shows that trends continue to come and go, but the way journalists and communication professionals interact remains grounded in PR basics.

Learn more about the state of the media by reading the full report.

Maria Materise is a Content Marketing Specialist at Cision. Follow her on Twitter @mariamaterise.

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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