Fraser Likely is a management consultant, specializing in the public relations/ communication (PR/C) function. He is Partner in and President of Likely Communication Strategies Ltd. – an independent consulting and training firm founded 1987. For the last 15 years, he has worked with hundreds of organizations to improve the strategic management, organization, performance and competencies of their PR/Communication function.

Fraser’s practice areas include:

  • AUDITING – conducting comprehensive communication audits, management reviews, performance studies and benchmarking exercises.
  • STRATEGIZING – producing research, reports and best practice models for strategic planning, organizational development and performance measurement initiatives.
  • FACILITATING – leading staff problem-solving/planning retreats or being the external expert on in-house task forces.
  • COACHING – providing discrete 1 to 1 leadership & change management counsel.
  • TRAINING – assessing staff competencies and custom-designing PD workshops on planning and strategy formulation, issues management and performance measurement.

His special expertise is in aligning and managing the function strategically, in structuring and organizing the deployment of staff, and in developing and managing a full measurement program.

A good part of his consulting practice is devoted to working with PR managers on the design, development and implementation of performance measurement management frameworks for their PR department. Fraser provides specialized expertise on the creation of performance measurement logic models and on customized scorecards. He has worked on the re-invention and re-organization of dozens of PR/C functions. He has designed and facilitated scores of staff planning, brainstorming and problem-solving sessions, for managers of PR/Communication departments. He has conducted a large number of benchmarking/best practice identification exercises. In the last ten years, he has provided advanced in-house PR/Communication training courses to over 1500 professionals. He has worked directly with and coached a great number of heads of PR/C departments.

Fraser is an Associate Faculty Member in Royal Roads University’s Executive MBA in Public Relations & Communication Management Program, where he has taught courses about the management of the PR/C function. He taught a 4th year public relation course in the Communication Faculty at the University of Ottawa from 1988-1995. He has been on the Advisory Board of the Algonquin College’s Public Relations Program since its inception in 1985.

Fraser’s articles have appeared in Strategic Communication Management, PR Journal, Marketing Magazine, the Journal of Corporate Communications and numerous other public relations industry and professional association publications. Recent articles include: “PR Performance Measurement” in the Canadian Health Care Public Relations Association publication Impressions; “Global Alliance for Public Relations” with Jean Valin in the Hollis Europe 2001/2002 Directory; “Benchmarking Pension Plan Communication Programs” with Phil Charko in Canadian Government Executive, “What it takes to be a communication strategist” in Strategic Communication Management and “Tipping Points for Government Communications” in Canadian Government Executive (in press).

He has spoken in the US, the UK and Canada at a great many industry and professional association professional development sessions. Twice the Canadian Public Relations Society has contracted with him to carry out major professional development tours, giving workshops on aspects of the management of public relations, for CPRS chapters right across the country.

He has been awarded three major Canadian national awards – the Presidents Medal, the Lectern and the Lamp of Service – by CPRS. He received his APR accreditation from CPRS in 1982. He holds a B.ED (PE) from McGill University and an MA from Carleton University. His graduate research work at Carleton University was on the management of public issues – specifically the role public interest or stakeholder groups play in the societal issues management process.

Fraser Likely
Likely Communication Strategies Ltd.