Chemistry Cultura and the USHCC examined Latino/a trends in media, marketing, and culture.

A survey of 1,427 U.S. Latino/as across country of origin, employment, geography, age, and gender was conducted in 2023.

Key findings include:
1.) 48% of respondents were daily users of TikTok, compared to only 36% of the general market.
— 42% of respondents said they watch broadcast TV daily.
2.) Respondents referred to themselves based on country of origin and/or as Latino.
— The term Latinx was strongly refuted as “an inauthentic creation of corporate America.”
3.) 65% of respondents said they prefer some Spanish in their advertising.
4.) 38% of Gen Z respondents listed music as their top “passion point.”
5.) Respondents favored ads featuring Hispanic casting (34%) over elements such as interest in product (19%).
6.) Respondents listed the top three mistakes that brands make in their Latino advertising as the use of stereotypes, misuse of language and failing to reflect the true diversity of the U.S. Hispanic community.

Read the full article here

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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