Winning entries of the first-ever Golden Ruler Awards for excellence in public relations measurement are now available at the Institute for Public Relations’ free website,

The awards were presented last month at the Institute’s Annual Distinguished Lecture and Awards Dinner in New York City. The competition was created by the Institute’s Commission on Public Relations Measurement & Evaluation and sponsored in part by Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc.

“A key objective of the awards program has been to identify and publish great examples of effective use of professional measurement techniques in public relations,” said Frank Ovaitt, President and CEO of the Institute.

The available online entries include two Golden Ruler Awards winners: the Alberta Medical Association with twisurveys for an entry entitled “Negotiations 2003 and Implementing the Agreement”; and Comalco with Burson-Marsteller for “Using Measurement to Plan and Manage Stakeholder Engagement.”

A runner-up Silver Ruler Award went to the Executive MScom program of the University of Lugano, Switzerland for a program entitled “Liechtenstein – Introducing the Global Village.”

Finally, three certificates of merit were awarded to: MetLife with David Michaelson & Company; Jerry Mikorenda and JPMorgan Chase; and the Florida Retirement System with Ketchum.

The Institute for Public Relations is an independent foundation dedicated to the science beneath the art of public relations. The organization exists to build and document the intellectual foundations of public relations, and to mainstream this knowledge by making it available and useful to practitioners, educators, researchers and the clients they serve. The Commission on Public Relations Measurement and Evaluation is an initiative of the Institute that promotes the highest standards of research methodology and real-life application in public relations planning, program development and measurement experience. Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc. provides a one-stop source of best practices and training products for the communication profession. The company can be reached at

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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