This summary is provided by IPR based on the original study by McKinsey & Company

McKinsey & Company examined trends in employee resignation and established five groups of employees based on their motivations at work.

A survey of 13,382 employees in Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, the U.K., and the U.S. was conducted from February 15 – April 2, 2022

Key findings include:

  • 48% of people planning to leave their job are going to work in a different industry, while 17% left the workforce entirely.
  • Of people who left their jobs in the communications industry, 55% found a job in a different industry or left the workforce completely.
  • The study identified five categories of workers based on their top values and motivations:
    • Traditionalists are career-oriented people who care about work-life balance but are willing to make trade-offs for the sake of their job.
    • Do-it-yourselfers value workplace flexibility, meaningful work, and compensation.
    • Caregivers are motivated by compensation but have other priorities for their jobs including workplace flexibility, support for employee health and well-being, and career development.
    • Idealists are workers who have little responsibility outside of career development such as students or part-time workers.
    • Relaxers are those that are currently not working, but could be enticed if the price is right and the work has meaning.

Learn more about employees and their motivations at work

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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