This summary is provided by IPR based on the original study from Morning Consult
Morning Consult explored how investors feel about social responsibility regarding the companies they are investing in.
Morning Consult conducted a survey of 2,210 U.S. adults from May 24-26.
Key findings include:
- Between all adults surveyed, 40% said it was more important to make profitable investments
- 37% said socially responsible investments were more important
- In the group of frequent investors, 58% said they prioritized profitable investments, the largest percentage of any group to do so
- Generationally, Gen Z prioritized socially responsible investments more than any other group (44%)
- Baby Boomers prioritized profitable investments the most (45%)
- Politically, 53% of Republicans preferred profitable investments and 51% of Democrats preferred socially responsibility
Discover more about the breakdown of investors’ preferences for social responsibility