This summary is provided by IPR based on the original study by PwC

PwC explored executive and consumer perspectives on brand trust.

A survey of 503 business executives, 2,508 consumers, and 2,002 employees in the U.S. was conducted in May 2022.

Key findings include:

  • A trust gap exists between the perceptions of executives compared to consumers and employees.
    • 87% of executives think consumers “highly trust their companies” where only 30% of consumers said they do.
    • 84% of executives think their employees “highly trust their companies” compared to 69% of employees who said they do.
  • Executives and consumers are less aligned on trust issues than executives and employees.
    • 47% of business executives said trust is “more bottom-up than top-down” while 27% of consumers and 35% of employees said the same.
  • Affordability (offering affordable products and services) was the leading way to build consumer trust with 34% of consumers choosing that as a way to gain trust.
    Employees listed being treated well as the best way to earn their trust (47%).

    • 71% of employees said they would leave their organization if it lost their trust.

Learn more about consumer and employee trust in businesses

Heidy Modarelli handles Growth & Marketing for IPR. She has previously written for Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, The Next Web, and VentureBeat.
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