Celebrating 60 Years of Research that Matters to the Practice

The Institute for Public Relations will celebrate its 60th Anniversary on October 26. In 2016, the Institute for Public Relations will commemorate 60 years delivering research that matters to the practice by asking leaders in the field to share IPR’s contributions and what they see as the future for PR Research. To kick off the milestone, Trustee Ken Makovsky shares how the organizations has influenced the past 60 years of communications research....

Dr. Tina McCorkindale

Three Motivators to Drive Employee Success

Untitled design Organizations often reward its employees for performance by dangling “carrots” and other incentives to help reach business goals and objectives. But does this motivate employees? For Daniel Pink, the bestselling author of Drive, the answer is no. According to Pink, there is a gap between what science knows and ...


Defining Moments – What’s Our Response?

On Friday 13th November I flew to New York from Europe to receive the Pathfinder Award for scholarly research from the Institute for Public Relations. It was a personal landmark occasion of major significance and I felt honored and humbled to have been selected. As we know, Friday 13th of November was a landmark day for the people of Paris too: a far more significant day when they felt the full horror of attack from a group who kill and maim innocent people in the name of a religion that has re ...


Will Robots Take My Job?

Alexander LaskinAt the 2014 IPR Research Symposium in New York City’s beautiful Yale Club, one of the discussions focused on the future of technology and how this affects the practice of public relations. One of the trends was automation – robots taking jobs from humans. Of cour ...


Moving Past Coverage: How to Measure Your Social Media Program

Ask any communications practitioner what the measure of success is for their campaigns, and most often the response will be a list of well written coverage pieces, shared aggressively across social channels. Ask any marketer what the measure of success is for their campaigns, and they will reply with a litany of metrics. Guess what, social media pros — you’ve been doing it wrong. It is time to measure like a marketer. Define Your Goals Before launching a measurement progr ...


The Value of Being Uncomfortable: How We Can Learn from Events at the University of Missouri

Mundy_Dean02-263x263My partner Tim and I are both in higher education. I research issues of diversity and minority advocacy in public relations. He is an American historian, researching the U.S. south. We’ve had the opportunity to work for several universities in different parts of the country, from Iowa, to North Carolina, South Carolina and now ...


10 Ways to Create a Corporate Culture for Employee Engagement

MenLinjuanRita_SpotlightOn September 22, 2014, the largest global IPO in history was marked by the $25 billion value of Alibaba Group. Even though I left the company seven years ago, I was proud and excited the moment the bell rang. Earlier this summer, I interviewed one of the co-founders of Alibaba Group, who had started an investme ...
