Call to all scholars to submit their research!

The IPR Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CDEI) is a new research center led by the Institute for Public Relations.

We are putting out a call to all scholars to submit their research. Scholars are encouraged to submit any related research that focuses on the IPR CDEI six core areas: BIPOC, LGBTQ+, women, intersectionality, disabilities, and mental health.

Guidelines on how to submit research:

  • To submit an article of research, please review the Scope of the IPR CDEI to ensure your article fits the requirements. 
  • The mission of the IPR CDEI is to conduct, support, and promote research and insights relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace focused on six core areas: BIPOC, LGBTQ+, women, intersectionality, disabilities, and mental health.
  • Your submission must contain the following
    • Full title of the research article/paper
    • Complete list of authors of the research
    • Link to the full research study or a PDF copy of the research paper
    • Short description
    • The core IPR CDEI area that the research is focused on (BIPOC, LGBTQ+, women, intersectionality, mental health, or disabilities.)
  • Email your submission to IPR’s Project & Outreach Manager Olivia Kresic at