During and immediately following the COVID-19 pandemic, many internal public relations scholars studied employees who were forced to work from home and how this swift change in work environment impacted their employee engagement. For example, Dhanesh and Picherit-Duthler (2021) developed a framework entitled “Remote Internal Crisis Communication” and demonstrated how employee engagement exists even in … Continue reading How Does Work Setting Impact Employee Engagement?
[Blog], OCRC - Best Practices, OCRC - Change Communication and Management, OCRC - Change Management, OCRC - Communication Behaviors, OCRC - Engagement, OCRC - Internal Communications, OCRC - Leadership Communications, OCRC - Remote Working, OCRC - Work/Life Fiteffects of remote work, employee engagement, Engagement, remote work, remote work affect, social setting, work setting, working socialLaura L. Lemon, Ph.D.