Contact Sport and Reality TV? Six Traits of a Credible PR Spokesperson

Every day a new drama unfolds in the media leaving us dismayed and disappointed. At the highest levels, we see behaviors and commentary from PR spokespersons that make us reluctant to turn on the television, open a newspaper or log on to social media. It is as if public relations has become a combination of contact sport and r ...


It’s about How Employees Feel! The Impact of Emotional Culture on Employee-Organization Relationships

Offering employees the information they need and keeping them informed and updated is only one of the basic goals of internal communication. A more important purpose of internal communication is to establish employees’ deeper-level emotional connection with the organization. More and more companies today are striving to de ...


Can We Just Play Nice? The Challenge of Toxic Employees and Importance of Followership


The imperfection of humans is at the root of why we don’t always get along with one another. But that imperfection doesn’t excuse us for not “playing together nicely in the sandbox.” In the workplace, whether that sandbox is as large as an organization or as small as a work team, personal relationships among people o ...


How Strategic Communication Deals with the Challenges of Visualization, Social Bots and Hypermodernity


This post appears courtesy of EUPRERA. The 2017 European Communication Monitor survey is based on responses from 3,387 communication professionals in 50 countries. Detailed analyses are available for 20 countries and different types of organizations (companies, non-profits, governmental, agencies). The study was organized by the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) and the European Asso ...


Southwest Airlines’ Cindy Villafranca Shares How to Use Metrics to Increase PR’s Value (video)


Cindy Villafranca, Senior Communications Specialist at Southwest Airlines, shares how business leaders can put communication metrics to work. At the IPR-PRIME Research Conference in May, senior and emerging corporate and brand communicators learned from the top leaders in corporate communication about PR’s value. Villafranca sat down with Simon Locke, Founder & CEO of CommunicationsMa ...


The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Employer Branding and Reputation

Reputation is continuously recognized as one of the foundations on which to build organizational success (Key, 1995). When positive, reputation is considered to be one of the most valuable intangible assets any organizations can possess (Vidaver-Cohen, 2007). This is true for organizations both in the profit and nonprofit se ...
