Tag Archives: authority

This abstract, summarized by IPR and provided by the IPR Behavioral Insights Research Center, is based on a research paper written by Sherry Jueyu Wu, Ph.D., at the University of California Los Angeles and Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Ph.D., at Princeton University.  Dr. Sherry Jueyu Wu and Dr. Elizabeth Levy Paluck conducted an experiment to examine how … Continue reading Participatory Practices at Work Change Attitudes and Behavior Toward Societal Authority and Justice

Topic: Power, Leadership Communication, and Organizational Culture Author(s), Title and Publication Tost, L.; Gino, F.; & Larrick, R. (2011). When power makes others speechless: The negative impact of leader power on team performance. Academy of Management Journal, published online before print September 4, 2012. Summary This research examined the impact of leaders’ feelings of power … Continue reading When power makes others speechless: The negative impact of leader power on team performance