Tag Archives: decision making

This summary is provided by the IPR Behaviorial Insights Research Center. Dr. Andrew J. Vonasch and colleagues examined phantom costs, or hidden costs, and how they can drive peoples’ judgments, impact behavior, and intersect with individual differences. A series of 10 experiments, involving over 4,000 people, was conducted on university campuses, online, and internationally with … Continue reading Do People See Overly Good Deals as Too Good To Be True?

In partnership with PR News, “Lessons Earned” is a series featuring IPR Trustees sharing a difficult lesson. One of the most difficult decisions to make is when to stay in a job and when to go. It’s an even more difficult decision when you ‘re in a job you love. In 2009, I faced that decision. … Continue reading Lessons Earned: When to Leave a Dream Job

Topic: Organizational Commitment Author(s), Title and Publication Guzley, R. M. (1992). Organizational Climate and Communication Climate: Predictors of Commitment to the Organization. Management Communication Quarterly, 5(4), 379-402. Summary This study examined the impact of organizational climate (OC) and communication climate (CC) on employees’ organizational commitment (EOC). OC is a complex mix communication flow, decision-making effectiveness, … Continue reading Organizational Climate and Communication Climate: Predictors of Commitment to the Organization

Topic: Supervisor Credibility and Employee Participation Author(s), Title and Publication Falcione, R. L. (1974). Credibility: Qualifier of Subordinate Participation. Journal of Business Communication, 11(3), 43-54. Summary This study examined subordinate participation in decision-making processes, as well as its relationship to their perceptions of supervisor credibility and satisfaction with supervisors. In a survey of 145 employees … Continue reading Credibility: Qualifier of Subordinate Participation

Topic: Organizational Values and Employee Performance Author(s), Title and Publication Fitzgerald, G. A., & Desjardins, N. M. (2004). Organizational Values and Their Relation to Organizational Performance Outcomes. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 12(3), 121-145. Summary Research has shown that many “best companies” adhere to core organizational values, and performance improves when the values are shared with … Continue reading Organizational Values and Their Relation to Organizational Performance Outcomes