This blog is provided by IPR based on the original study by RAND Corporation As the popularity and use of social media continues to climb, concerns of quickly spreading disinformation also increase. In 2019, it was confirmed that Russia interfered with the 2016 election through social media propaganda and disinformation. Since then, other instances of … Continue reading Combating Foreign Disinformation on Social Media
Tag Archives: social media strategy
This blog is provided by the IPR Digital Media Research Center. The COVID-19 pandemic has, without a doubt, brought countless changes to the way people interact with businesses, and nowhere has this shift been more prominent than on social media. The entire world stayed home for a year, and companies went to work handling the … Continue reading Accountability and Genuity: How Companies’ Social Media Influenced Perception During COVID-19
This summary is provided by the IPR Digital Media Research Center Summary Though much strategic communication research has explored how brands use social media, less research has explored why brands choose to adopt new social media platforms for strategic communication purposes. To better understand what influences communication professionals to use and embrace new social media … Continue reading Cracking the Snapcode: The Influences of Strategic Social Media Adoption