Tag Archives: diversity

This abstract is summarized by the IPR Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from the original journal article published in the Public Relations Inquiry. Summary Katie R. Place, Ph.D., studied how female public relations practitioners define gender and how gender plays a role in the public relations industry. Method In-depth interviews were conducted with 45 … Continue reading Binaries, Continuums, and Intersections: Women PR Professionals’ Understandings of Gender

Emily Graham and Dr. Natalie Tindall are co-directors of the IPR Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  As 2021 begins, the work of the communicator remains front and center. Brands should be prepared to point to the specific actions taken to address systemic racism and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, with a focus on increased … Continue reading The Role of the Communicator – Navigating Social Unrest

In partnership with PR NEWS, “Lessons Earned” is a series featuring IPR affiliates sharing a difficult lesson. One thing that attracted me to PR was how it required the best practitioners to bring a variety of skills to their work. I chose to study PR in college more than 35 years ago, because it took … Continue reading Lessons Earned: Never Hold Back from Giving Your Fullest Self

This summary is provided by IPR from the original journal article in the Journal of Public Relations Research Dr. Bey-Ling Sha explored how differences in identification with a cultural group predicted differences in the variables of the situational theory of publics, a theory used to segment stakeholders of an organization (J.E. Grunig & Childers, 1988; … Continue reading Cultural Identity in the Segmentation of Publics: An Emerging Theory of Intercultural Public Relations

The authors, Danielle C. Lefebvre and Jose F. Domene, examined previously published quantitative and qualitative research studies, the experiences of transgender people in the workplace and identified key themes and patterns. The authors used an analytic method, specifical the scoping review method, to conduct their review.   Key Findings Themes revealed in this study: Support … Continue reading Workplace Experiences of Transgender Individuals: A Scoping Review

The author, Dean E. Mundy, Ph.D., examined the role diversity plays in the public relations practice and the extent to which an organization’s diversity values contribute to ethical stakeholder engagement. Mundy used a survey method, surveying 5,000 Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) members to examine specifically how public relations and communication professionals perceive the … Continue reading From Principle to Policy to Practice? Diversity as a Driver of Multicultural, Stakeholder Engagement in Public Relations