Tag Archives: gen z trust

Gen Z

The Public Religion Research Institute analyzed how Generation Z (Gen Z) brings their values and viewpoints on political, social, and cultural issues into their communities, workplaces, and the greater U.S. political landscape. An online survey of 6,616 U.S. participants aged 13-25 years old was conducted from Aug. 21 – Sept. 15, 2023. Respondents were put into … Continue reading How does Gen Z View Generational Change and Political Leadership?

Morning Consult analyzed Gen Z’s consumption habits, preferred brands, platforms, and forms of entertainment. A study of 2,205 U.S. adults was conducted from February 17-19, 2023. Key findings include: — 56% of Gen Z respondents said they prefer to buy from companies that reflect their social values, compared to:—- 59% of Millennials —- 61% of … Continue reading Majority of Gen Z Buys from Companies with Same Social Values