Tag Archives: political communication

This blog is based on the original study in the Public Relations Journal. Scholars have argued that social presence strategies could be a gateway to public engagement. Communicators use social presence to reflect genuine and real personalities to build relationships (Mazid, 2020; Men, Tsai, Chen, & Ji, 2018). However, social presence strategies have received limited scholarly attention from … Continue reading Political Campaign Messages on Facebook: A Study of Public Engagement, Social Presence Strategies, and the 2018 U.S. Senate Elections

This blog is based on the original study in the Public Relations Journal. Election campaigns make use of core public relations practices: press secretaries, news conferences, on-air interviews, email blasts, social media outreach, etc. They also cultivate associations with influencers to advance their image and reputation, based on the prominence and credibility of selected brand ambassadors. Nike had … Continue reading Election Mudslinging, from the Bayou to the Swamp: Assessing Agenda-Building in the 2019 Louisiana Gubernatorial Runoff Election

This summary is provided by IPR based on the original study by Pew Research Center Pew Research Center studied the number of reporters assigned to the 50 state capitols to inform citizens about legislative and administrative activity. A mixed-methods approach was used. First, research conducted a census of statehouse reporters from Sept. 23, 2021 – … Continue reading Total Number of U.S. Statehouse Reporters Rises