Tag Archives: social media

Wigley, Shelley, & Zhang, Weiwu (2011). A study of PR practitioners’ use of social media in crisis planning. Public Relations Journal, 5(3). Summary This study is one of the few attempts to investigate how public relations practitioners use social media in crisis planning and crisis communication as well as in ordinary situations. A survey exploring … Continue reading A study of PR practitioners’ use of social media in crisis planning

Wigley, Shelley, & Lewis, Bobbi Kay (2012).  Rules of engagement: Practice what you tweet.  Public Relations Review, 38(1), 165-167. Summary This study explored tweets that mention highly engaged companies and compared them to tweets that mention less engaged competitors. Results showed that a highly engaged company received less negative mentions in tweets, but only if … Continue reading Rules of engagement: Practice what you tweet

Walton, Laura Richardson, Cooley, Skye C., & Nicholson, John H. (2012). “A great day for oiled pelicans:” BP, Twitter, and the Deepwater Horizon crisis response. Public Relations Journal, 6(4), 1-30. Summary On April 20, 2010, British Petroleum (BP) experienced one of the most tragic industrial accidents in history when 11 employees were killed and dozens more injured … Continue reading “A great day for oiled pelicans:” BP, Twitter, and the Deepwater Horizon crisis response

Schultza, Friederike; Utza, Sonja; & Göritzb, Anja. (2011). Is the medium the message? Perceptions of and reactions to crisis communication via Twitter, blogs and traditional media. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 20-27. Summary The value changes and the rapid emergence of media innovations (internet, social web) in society lead to an institutionalization of crisis communication, in … Continue reading Is the medium the message? Perceptions of and reactions to crisis communication via Twitter, blogs and traditional media

Introduction: The Conclave is a broad coalition of B2B and B2C companies, PR and Social Media Agencies, and Industry associations that work with paid, owned and earned social media. It initially convened in Durham, NH in October 2011 to establish standard definitions and best practices for Social Media. At that meeting it established a set … Continue reading The Conclave: Complete Social Media Measurement Standards June 2013

Metric name Reach Standards area Social media measurement Metric description and application. The question that this metric answers. Reach addresses the question of how many individuals might have been able to see, read, or hear a communications item. “Reach represents the total number of unique people who had an opportunity to see an ‘item’ or a … Continue reading Reach

Metric name Mention Standards area Social media measurement Metric description and application. The question that this metric answers. “A mention refers to a specific reference in an item of a brand, organization, campaign, or other entity that is being measured or analyzed.” (http://www.smmstandards.com) Status This interim standard was developed by the Social Media Measurement Standards … Continue reading Mention