Tag Archives: Blog

After years of skepticism in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the global banking industry has clawed its way back and regained the trust of customers and employees. That is one of the main conclusions from the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer: Financial Services Edition. The report conducts a deep dive into the financial services … Continue reading Why Are Banks the Most Trusted Sector Within Financial Services?

This blog is provided by the IPR Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Digital Media Research One of the most exciting things about the public relations discipline is that it is intricately linked to major technological innovations throughout history – from the early days of the railroad, to the development of the telephone, to … Continue reading Navigating the Intersection of AI, Public Relations & Race

Tkalac Vercic Employee Life Satisfaction 2023

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Formal organizations are considered the central institutions of modern society. We exist with and through them as they organize and structure our life from the beginning through to the end. New technology has created different challenges for all types of organizations. On the one … Continue reading Understanding How Internal Communication Affects Life Satisfaction

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. My agency conducts the Integral Employee Activation Index study annually with The Harris Poll to understand employee mindset and behaviors. We just did a pulse check and the results stunned me. Employees’ expectations about the issues their employer takes a stand on changed drastically. … Continue reading Employees Concerns Beyond Job Creation and Well-being

We Are No Longer in ChargeVirtually every innovation in the field of public relations over the last two decades has focused on one thing: engagement. We now want the voices of publics to feature prominently in our messaging. In fact, much of the writing about these innovations in the early 2000s argued that the role … Continue reading Hateproofing Your Message: Response and Prevention Strategies for “Hatejacks”

Executive Summary This paper explores public relations training for adult learners working in an applied field. Specifically, the approach to public relations training was considered in a global context. The study looked at a decade long project initiated by the U.S. State department. The project focused on training multinational staff at U.S. posts to better … Continue reading Globalizing Public Relations: Benefits of Multinational Public Relations Teams

This summary is provided by the IPR Street Team based on the original study, “Citizens’ political public relations: Unpacking choices, and emergent and deliberate strategies in building trust and relations among groups in conflict” by Arunima Krishna, Stacey L. Connaughton, and Jasmine R. Linabary in Public Relations Review Summary The concept of citizens’ political public … Continue reading Citizens’ Political Public Relations: Building Relations Among Conflicting Groups

Summary Busy seasons, workforce reductions, and other organizational events can all bring about changes (increases or decreases) to employees’ workload. Employees oftentimes foresee and anticipate future workload changes. For example, many employees expect a workload increase when a team member leaves the company. Researchers sought to answer the question: how do we react to our … Continue reading Looking Forward: The Effect of Anticipated Workload Change on Emotional Strain

This summary is provided by the IPR Street Team based on the original study, “Corporate Social Advocacy as Public Interest Communication: Exploring Perceptions of Corporate Involvement in Controversial Social-Political Issues” by Lucinda Austin, Barbara Gaither, and T. Kenn Gaither in the Journal of Public Interest Communications. Summary Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasing in importance … Continue reading Exploring Corporate Involvement in Controversial Social-Political Issues