Tag Archives: media

This summary is provided by the IPR Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pew Research Center analyzed Black Americans’ experiences, habits, and attitudes around news and information. A survey of 4,742 Black U.S. adults was conducted Feb. 22–March 5, 2023. Key findings include: 1.) 63% of Black respondents said news about Black people is often … Continue reading Black Americans’ Experiences With News

Dr. Jay Hmielowski and Dr. Eliana DuBosar researched how the places that people come from played a role in how they perceived and trusted journalists and the media. A pilot study was conducted in 2019 followed by a time series study in 2020 that included a total sample of 7,545 participants. Key findings include:— Respondents … Continue reading How Location Impacts Trust in Journalism

Dr. William J. Brady and colleagues analyzed the how social media users perceive more anger and outrage from political posts than how the author originally intended. This misunderstanding of tone affects belief in polarization, extremity, and normalizes a sense of hatred on platforms. Five studies of 650 participants took place from July 2020 to March … Continue reading Why Users Overpercieve Outrage on Twitter

Public Affairs Council examined U.S. public opinion on issues intersecting business, government, and American society. A survey of 2,210 U.S. adults was conducted Sept. 1-2, 2022. Key findings include: 1.) 71% of Americans trust friends and family the most as a source of political information, followed secondly by businesses (44%). — 40% of Americans said … Continue reading Americans Trust Businesses More than News Media

This summary is provided by IPR based on the original study by Pew Research Center Pew Research Center examined how journalists and the public feel about the news industry. A survey of 11,889 U.S.-based journalists was conducted from Feb. 16 – March 17, 2022. Two surveys of 9,388 and 10,441 U.S. adults were conducted Feb. 7-13 and … Continue reading Journalists Sense Turmoil in Their Industry Amid Continued Passion for Their Work

This blog is provided by IPR based on the original study in Public Relations Review The COVID-19 pandemic has led to new lessons in health communication. Particularly, misinformation has spread through social media, driving some communities to engage in risky behaviors. For that reason, it is critical for public health messages to motivate members of … Continue reading Literacy and efficacy: Keys to promote safety behaviors during infectious disease outbreaks

This blog is based on the original journal article in the Public Relations Journal. The Public Relations Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal presented by the Institute for Public Relations and the Public Relations Society of America Disclaimer: The conclusions and opinions expressed in this study represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views … Continue reading Painting a Picture of the U.S. Military: Lessons from Public Affairs Officers

This abstract is provided by IPR based on the original journal article in the International Journal of Lifelong Education Judith Walker, Ph.D., and Pierre Walter, Ph.D., examined how news media functioned to “educate” the public about the Standing Rock pipeline protests in North Dakota, USA. A content analysis was conducted on online media coverage by … Continue reading Learning about social movements through news media: Deconstructing New York Times and Fox News representations of Standing Rock

This summary is presented by the IPR Behavioral Insights Research Center Key Findings People experience less reactance, a negative feeling that someone is trying to impose a behaviour on them, when persuasive communications employ self-persuasion, instead of direct persuasion. Self-persuasion is a strategy that gets audiences to generate their own arguments for an intended behaviour change. … Continue reading Self-Persuasion in Media Messages: Reducing Alcohol Consumption Among Students with Open-Ended Questions

How firmly steeped in science are the recommendations that media trainers give to their clients?  Over the years I discovered that a great many of the facts on message delivery fellow media trainers anywhere in the world impart on their clients are simply not true or are wanting for a more accurate interpretation. It is … Continue reading Three Things Your Media Trainer Should Never Have Told You