Tag Archives: OCRC

This post is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.  Organizations are increasingly adopting an integrated approach to internal and external communication, but many practitioners insist on treating internal stakeholders as a distinct audience, which means external content alone is not enough to respond to their needs. These are some of the findings from The … Continue reading The Intersection of Internal and External Communication

Companies show a strong and growing interest in the engagement of their employees, since having engaged employees is crucial for competitive advantage. However, several studies indicate that the average level of employee engagement is not so satisfying. For this reason, the Centre for Employee Relations & Communication (CERC) at IULM University carried out a research … Continue reading Five Insights that Each CEO Must Know about Employee Engagement

This post is provided by the IPR Organizational Research Communication Center.  Industry surveys repeatedly report that measuring communication effectiveness and the link between internal communication initiatives and business results is a real challenge to the internal communication practice. IC Kollectif’s recent report, The Next Level: The Business Value of Good Internal Communication investigates how leading in-house … Continue reading Linking Internal Communication to Business Results

This post is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.  Summary The ability to humorously interact with others at work is often considered an essential skill for organizational leaders. In general terms, humor refers to an individual’s tendency to amuse others through the use or display of behaviors, attitudes, and abilities. Although a large percentage … Continue reading Supervisor Humor Styles and Employee Advocacy: A Serial Mediation Model

This post is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.  What can internal communications do to create a sense of belonging among employees? Stated simply: increase employees’ level of motivation. I don’t understand motivation as the act of cheering and encouraging others. I view motivation as providing reasons and motives for action. Internal communicators … Continue reading Internal Communications As a Tool to Create a Sense of Belonging

The blog post was provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center.  According to the conclusions of a recent study carried out by the University of California and the universities of St. Andrews and Liverpool in the United Kingdom, the world’s first conversations took place in Africa more than 2.5 million years ago. This first … Continue reading The Power of Conversations in the Corporate World

This blog is presented by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. You need look no further than Brexit to see why effective leadership communication matters. Between them, the heads of the UK’s two main political parties have been described as robotic, opaque, nebulous, indecisive and invisible. Opinion polls say neither’s got what it takes to be … Continue reading It’s Time to Get Real About Authentic Leadership Communication