Tag Archives: social media

Summary This study examined the impact of spokesperson’s rank and selected media channels in crisis communication by employing different ranks (i.e., CEO and communication director spokespersons) and media channels (blogs, websites, and newspapers). Findings indicated that CEO spokespersons were more effective in terms of lowering publics’ crisis responsibility attributions than communication director spokespersons and that … Continue reading How Spokesperson Rank and Selected Media Channels Impact Perceptions in Crisis Communication

Summary When Lowe’s pulled its advertising from the TLC program All-American Muslim, critics from both sides responded. Some organized a boycott of the home improvement giant, and others applauded the decision. Lowe’s posted a response and apology on Facebook to only step further into a heated controversy as thousands of comments, many vitriolic, were posted … Continue reading Pulling Ads, Making Apologies: Lowe’s Use of Facebook to Communicate with Stakeholders