Tag Archives: consumer

Business success is predicated on understanding the key levers of influence.  After all, Influence, by definition, is the ability to affect the behavior of others in a particular direction, leveraging key tactics that involve, connect, and inspire them (Hallenbeck, 2023).¹  Thus, business success is contingent on influencing your consumer base to buy your product or … Continue reading Is the Shifting Media Landscape Changing How Consumers are Being Influenced?

IPR is featuring research throughout October in support of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Business Disability Forum and Open Inclusion researched the experiences and preferences of consumers with disabilities. A survey of 1,001 adults in Great Britain was conducted from Nov. 26 – Dec. 5, 2021. 457 respondents had disabilities, which included sensory, physical, neurodiverse, … Continue reading How Companies Can Address Barriers for Consumers with Disabilities

Dr. Grant Packard and Dr. Jonah Berger analyzed how the use of concrete language shaped consumer behavior and satisfaction. Concrete language was defined as the use of “specific, tangible, and real” words. An analysis of 200 customer service calls from a large American apparel retailer and 941 customer service interactions from a Canadian multi-channel retailer … Continue reading Consumers Prefer Concrete vs. Abstract Language

Morning Consult analyzed Gen Z’s consumption habits, preferred brands, platforms, and forms of entertainment. A study of 2,205 U.S. adults was conducted from February 17-19, 2023. Key findings include: — 56% of Gen Z respondents said they prefer to buy from companies that reflect their social values, compared to:—- 59% of Millennials —- 61% of … Continue reading Majority of Gen Z Buys from Companies with Same Social Values