Tag Archives: internal communication

Topic: Employee Communication Behavior; Employee-Organization Relationships Authors, Title and Publication Mazzei, A., Kim, J., & Dell’Oro, C. (2012). Strategic value of employee relationships and communicative actions: Overcoming corporate crisis with quality internal communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 6(1), 31-44 Summary This study analyzed a case to understand how continuous managerial efforts and internal communication … Continue reading Strategic Value of Employee Relationships and Communicative Actions

Topic: Supervisor Communication Authors, Title and Publication Mayfield, J., & Mayfield, M. (2012). The relationship between leader motivating language and self-efficacy: A partial least squares model analysis. Journal of Business Communication, 49(4), 357-376. Summary This study examined the nature and processes of the relationships between leader motivating language and its effects on employee self-efficacy and … Continue reading The Relationship Between Leader Motivating Language and Self-Efficacy

Topic: Supervisory Communication Author(s), Title and Publication Fransen, M. L., & ter Hoeven, C. L. (2011). Matching the message: The role of regulatory fit in negative managerial communication. Communication Research. Summary This study examined whether managers could communicate bad news effectively by fitting the message into employees’ regulatory focus (promotion orientation, and prevention orientation). According … Continue reading Matching the message: The role of regulatory fit in negative managerial communication

Topic: Organization-Employee Relationships Author(s), Title and Publication Seltzer, T., Gardner, E., Bichard, S., & Callison, C. (2012). PR in the ER: Managing internal organization–public relationships in a hospital emergency department. Public Relations Review, 38(1), 128-136. Summary Focusing on a university-affiliated emergency department (ED), this study investigated the antecedents and outcomes of organization-employee relationships, and the … Continue reading PR in the ER: Managing internal organization–public relationships in a hospital emergency department

Topic: Turnover and Organizational Identification Author(s), Title and Publication Scott, C. R., Connaughton, S. L., Diaz-Saenz, H. R., Maguire, K., Ramirez, R., Richardson, B., Shaw, S. P., & Morgan, D. (1999). The Impacts of Communication and Multiple Identifications on Intent to Leave: A Multimethodological Exploration. Management Communication Quarterly, 12(3), 400-435. Summary This study examined two … Continue reading The Impacts of Communication and Multiple Identifications on Intent to Leave: A Multimethodological Exploration

Topic: Organizational Identification Author(s), Title and Publication Myers, S. A., & Kassing, J. W. (1998). The Relationship Between Perceived Supervisory Communication Behaviors and Subordinate Organizational Identification. Communication Research Reports, 15(1), 71-81. Summary According to the theory of unobtrusive control, modern organizations control their internal environments by biasing employees towards making organizationally favorable decisions. Organizational identification … Continue reading The Relationship Between Perceived Supervisory Communication Behaviors and Subordinate Organizational Identification

Topic: Alignment and Internal Crisis Communication Author(s), Title and Publication Mazzei, A., & Ravazzani, S. (2011). Manager-employee communication during a crisis: The missing link. Corporate Communications, 16(3), 243-254 Summary This study investigated the effectiveness of internal crisis communication by comparing Italian companies’ communications with employees and employees’ interpretations of those communication efforts during the 2008-2009 … Continue reading Manager-employee communication during a crisis: The missing link

Topic: Best Practices in Internal Communication Author(s), Title and Publication Young, M., & Post, J. E. (1993). Managing to communicate, communicating to manage: How leading companies communicate with employees. Organizational Dynamics, 22(1), 31-44. Summary This study is built on the idea that internal communication processes are an important ingredient in successful change, and understanding best … Continue reading Managing to communicate, communicating to manage: How leading companies communicate with employees

Topic: Internal Communication and Information Satisfaction Author(s), Title and Publication White, C., Vanc, A., & Stafford, G. (2010). Internal Communication, Information Satisfaction, and Sense of Community: The Effect of Personal Influence. Journal of Public Relations  Research, 22(1), 65-84. Summary This study examined employees’ perceptions of information flow from top administrators, their communication preferences, sense of … Continue reading Internal Communication, Information Satisfaction, and Sense of Community: The Effect of Personal Influence

Topic: Best Practices Author(s), Title and Publication Powers, V. J. (1996-1997). Benchmarking Study Illustrates How Best-in-Class Achieve Alignment, Communicate Change. Communication World, December/January, 30-33. Summary The American Productivity & Quality Center conducted this study of internal communication best practices among 50 companies that were believed to be the best in employee communication. Best practice refers … Continue reading Benchmarking Study Illustrates How Best-in-Class Achieve Alignment, Communicate Change

Topic: Organizational Identification and Communication Climate   Author(s), Title and Publication Smidts, A., van Riel, C. B. M., & Pruyn, A. T. (2000). The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification. Erasmus Research Institute of Management: Research in Management Report ERS-2000-01-MKT. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.   Summary This study used … Continue reading The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification