Tag Archives: social media

DiStaso, Marcia Watson (2012). Measuring public relations Wikipedia engagement: How bright is the rule?  Public Relations Journal, 6(2), 1-22. Wikipedia has become almost a staple in society, and its prominence in search engines and frequency of use make it a very powerful website. This study explores the views, experiences and beliefs of public relations/communications professionals … Continue reading Measuring public relations Wikipedia engagement: How bright is the rule?

Avery, Elizabeth Johnson; Lariscy, Ruthann; Amador, Ellie; Ickowitz, Tanya; Primm, Charles; & Taylor, Abigail (2010). Diffusion of social media among public relations practitioners in health departments across various community population sizes. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22, 332-358. This research employs a survey of 281 public relations practitioners in public health departments serving four distinct … Continue reading Diffusion of social media among public relations practitioners in health departments across various community population sizes

Topic: Organizational Assimilation and Communication Technology Author(s), Title and Publication Waldeck, J. H., Seibold, D. R., & Flanagin, A. J. (2004). Organizational Assimilation and Communication Technology Use. Communication Monographs, 71(2), 161-183. Summary This study investigated the nature of organizational assimilation, and employees’ use of three types of communication tools in information seeking to reduce assimilation … Continue reading Organizational Assimilation and Communication Technology Use

Topic: Internal Communication and Employee Value Proposition Author(s), Title and Publication Towers Watson. (2010). Capitalizing on Effective Communication: Communication ROI Study Report. Towers Watson. Summary This report identified how high-performing companies inform and engage their employees in challenging economic times. The data were collected from a survey of 328 organizations that represent five million employees … Continue reading Capitalizing on Effective Communication: Communication ROI Study Report