Tag Archives: Crisis

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center based on the original study. An Integrated Framework for Exploring the Impact of Leadership Communication on Employee Trust During Disruptive Crisis Times Dr. Linjuan Rita Men and colleagues explored CEO leadership communication during crises. Using an emerging framework of transparency, authenticity, empathy, and optimism … Continue reading How does Leadership Communication Impact Employee Trust during Crisis?

hybrid work

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Dr. Hilke Steenkamp and Dr. Ganga Dhanesh examined strategies used by organizations to maintain relationships with employees in remote or hybrid workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers conducted 13 in-person or online in-depth interviews March – May 2022 with communications and human resources … Continue reading How to Build Relationships with Employees in Times of Crisis

The future of PR is… …wide open, and to be made by us Turbulent times require calm and collected communicators. Our troubled, post-COVID, conflict- and crisis-ridden times are thus often described as an opportunity for effective communicators to build better relations between organisations and their stakeholders. At the same time, polarised partisan public spheres are … Continue reading The Future of Socially Responsible Public Relations

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Dr. James Ndone examined how negative employee-organization relationships impacted an organization’s internal reputation and its employees’ negative emotions as well as unsupportive behavior during a crisis. Negative employee-organization relationships (NEOR) were manifested by distrust, dissatisfaction, control dominance (how an organization intentionally neglected and controlled … Continue reading How Negative Employee-Organization Relationships Affect Employees’ Reactions to Crisis

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center How do organizations get in contact with clients and staff during a cyber-attack? And how do they keep up urgent operations? We know from research and practice that one of the main challenges during a cyber-attack is the loss of internal and external communication … Continue reading Cyber-attacks and Internal Communication in Organizations

This summary is provided by the IPR Behavioral Insights Research Center Dr. Xing Zhang examined how stories and memories of past crises, like SARS, are discussed on social media when a new crisis happens. This study examined crisis memory (memories which influence how people think, feel, and act when dealing with new crises) in the context … Continue reading How Memory Plays a Role in Crisis Response

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Be it the 3 a.m. phone call from your CEO or a polite ask (even though it’s not really an ask) to leave early from a vacation to return to work, a crisis can upend your life. Crisis communication professionals must always be at … Continue reading How Can You Best Prepare for a Crisis?

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Gallup examined how employee engagement and workplace elements impacted organizational outcomes, profitability, productivity, and wellbeing. The research compared levels of engagement in 2020 to 2022. Quarterly surveys of 15,000 U.S. employees were conducted throughout 2022.  Key findings include:— Employee engagement declined from 36% in 2020 … Continue reading Employee Engagement Declined Post-COVID

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center based on the original study. To learn more about this topic from Dr. Vercic, register for the IPR Master Class on Employee Engagement. Dr. Verčič and Dr. Špoljarić investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employees’ perceptions of their employers and changes in internal communication … Continue reading How COVID-19 Influenced Internal Communication

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Summary A critical objective of organizations’ crisis communication is to cultivate a motivated and engaged workforce despite adversities. To enhance organizations’ internal crisis communication practice, this study examined how leaders’ motivational communication can facilitate employees’ crisis coping and promote employees’ organizational engagement. More specifically, … Continue reading How Leaders’ Motivational Language Enhanced Employee Engagement During COVID-19

This blog is based on the original article in the Public Relations Journal. The Public Relations Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal presented by the Public Relations Society of America and the Institute for Public Relations. Overview Due to COVID-19, public relations leaders have never been more aware of the need to pivot quickly in … Continue reading Improving Crisis Communication in the Age of COVID-19

In partnership with Ragan’s PR Daily, “How We Did It” is a series featuring IPR Trustees discussing a success in their public relations career. This column is called “How We Did It,” but because we learn more from mistakes than successes, I wanted to share my failure handling a crisis when I was the chief communications … Continue reading How We Did It: Four Lessons from a Mismanaged Crisis Response