Tag Archives: employee communication

Authors, Title and Publication Ohly, S., & Schmitt, A. (2015). What makes us enthusiastic, angry, feeling at rest or worried? Development and validation of an affective work events taxonomy using concept mapping methodology. Journal of Business & Psychology, 30(1), 15-35. The research reported in this article aims to develop a comprehensive taxonomy of affective work events. Affective … Continue reading What Makes Us Enthusiastic, Angry, Feeling at Rest or Worried? Development and Validation of an Affective Work Events Taxonomy Using Concept Mapping Methodology

Author(s), Title and Publication: Kopaneva, I., & Sias, P. M. (2015). Lost in translation: Employee and organizational constructions of mission and vision. Management Communication Quarterly, 29(3), 358 – 384. Summary An organization’s mission and vision statements are the official texts that define what the organization is today and will be tomorrow. An effective vision can … Continue reading Lost in Translation: Employee and Organizational Constructions of Mission and Vision.

Author(s), Title and Publication Goldman, Z., W., & Myers, S. A. (2015). The relationship between organizational assimilation and employees’ upward, lateral, and displaced dissent. Communication Reports, 18(1), 24 – 35. Summary This article reports a study that explored the process by which an individual employee being integrated into the culture of an organization, i.e. organizational … Continue reading The Relationship Between Organizational Assimilation and Employees’ Upward, Lateral, and Displaced Dissent

Author(s), Title and Publication: Boren, J. P., & Veksler, A. E. (2014). Communicatively restricted organizational stress (CROS) 1: Conceptualization and overview. Management Communication Quarterly, 29(1), 28 – 55. Summary Work-related stress can be detrimental to both organizations and employees. Previous theories about work stress have indicated that (1) social support from organization and co-workers and … Continue reading Communicatively Restricted Organizational Stress

Author, Title and Publication Agerdal-Hjermind, A. (2014). Organizational blogging: a case study of a corporate weblog from an employee perspective. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 19 (1), 34 – 51. Summary This study examined the usage and implications of blogging in a corporate communication context from an employee’s perspective. The author considered the blog as … Continue reading Organizational Blogging: A Case Study of a Corporate Weblog from an Employee Perspective

Topic: Organizational Change, Internal Activism Authors, Title and Publication Luo, Y., & Jiang, H. (2014). Effective public relations leadership in organizational change: A study of multinationals in Mainland China. Journal of Public Relations Research, 26(2), 134-160. Summary Organizational change is prevalent as organizations try to adapt to a changing environment and jostle for competitive advantage. Employees often … Continue reading Effective Public Relations Leadership in Organizational Change: A Study of Multinationals in Mainland China

Topic: Leadership, Employee Communication Channels, and Employee Satisfaction Authors, Title and Publication Men, L. R. (2014). Strategic internal communication: Transformational leadership, communication channels, and employee satisfaction. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(2), 1-21. Summary Technological development is changing the landscape of communication as well as the internal communication formula of companies. The easy access of organizations to … Continue reading Strategic Internal Communication: Transformational Leadership, Communication Channels, and Employee Satisfaction

Topic: Employee Communication, Internal Activism, and Organizational Change Authors, Title and Publication Luo, Y., & Jiang, H. (2014). Empowerment and internal activism during organizational change: A relocation story in China. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 8, 1-28. Summary This study, contextualized in a leading multinational food and beverage giant operating in Mainland China, investigated how … Continue reading Empowerment and Internal Activism During Organizational Change

Topic: Employee Communication and Quality Employer-Employee Relationships Author, Title and Publication Jiang, H. (2012). A model of work-life conflict and quality of employee-organization relationships: Transformational leadership, procedural justice, and family-supportive workplace initiatives. Public Relations Review, 38, 231-245. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2011.11.007 Summary Quality relationships between organizations and their employees contribute to organizational effectiveness. This study tested a new … Continue reading A Model of Work-Life Conflict and Quality of Employee-Organization Relationships: Transformational Leadership, Procedural Justice, and Family-Supportive Workplace Initiatives

Institute for Public Relations

Topic: Employee Onboarding and Employee Communications Authors, Title and Publication Hart, Z. P. (2012). Message Content and Sources During Organizational Socialization. Journal of Business Communication, 49(3), 191-209. Summary One of the major purposes of organizational socialization is to inform new employees of organizational and unit practices, familiarize them with relationships within the organization, and instill … Continue reading Message Content and Sources During Organizational Socialization

Topic: Supervisory Communication Author(s), Title and Publication Fransen, M. L., & ter Hoeven, C. L. (2011). Matching the message: The role of regulatory fit in negative managerial communication. Communication Research. Summary This study examined whether managers could communicate bad news effectively by fitting the message into employees’ regulatory focus (promotion orientation, and prevention orientation). According … Continue reading Matching the message: The role of regulatory fit in negative managerial communication

Topic: Ambiguous Communication Author(s), Title and Publication Markham, A. (1996). Designing Discourse: A Critical Analysis of Strategic Ambiguity and Workplace Control. Management Communication Quarterly, 9(4), 389-421. Summary This case study examined how employees of a small design company experienced a work environment of ambiguous communication. Previous studies have suggested that organizational leaders could use strategic … Continue reading Designing Discourse: A Critical Analysis of Strategic Ambiguity and Workplace Control