Tag Archives: employee trust

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center based on the original study. An Integrated Framework for Exploring the Impact of Leadership Communication on Employee Trust During Disruptive Crisis Times Dr. Linjuan Rita Men and colleagues explored CEO leadership communication during crises. Using an emerging framework of transparency, authenticity, empathy, and optimism … Continue reading How does Leadership Communication Impact Employee Trust during Crisis?

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Dr. Jian Peng, Dr. Qi Nie, and Dr. Yucong Cheng examined how team abusive supervision created team distrust in the supervisor and eventually induced team behavioral resistance to organizational change. Researchers collected three-wave survey data from 124 teams in four organizations that were part … Continue reading Why do Teams Exhibit Behavioral Resistance to Change? Examining the Negative Impact of Team Abusive Supervision

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Dr. Yeonsoo Kim and colleagues studied how an organization’s base crisis responses and dialogic competency impacted employees’ trust, satisfaction, belonging, and support for the organization during the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey of 378 U.S. employees who worked full-time at small, medium, and large … Continue reading Building Employee Trust through Effective Internal Communication during the Pandemic

Summary The COVID-19 pandemic drove many companies to reevaluate their approach to business. As a result, some focused their efforts on leading with purpose. Purpose is an organization’s fundamental goal that goes beyond profit maximization. It is an all-encompassing principle that guides everything the organization does and determines its strategies. Effective strategic communication is an … Continue reading Purpose-Driven Organizations Show Greater Employee Trust, Among Other Benefits

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Globally, organizations struggle with bridging the reputation divide and trust deficit among employers and employees while striving to improve engagement. According to a brand credibility gap study, just 19% of employees feel aligned with their employer’s brand.1 Worldwide, the state of employee experience is … Continue reading Communications is a Team Sport: Involving Employees as Partners and Brand Advocates

Topic: Employee Trust and Organizational Crisis Management Author(s), Title and Publication Gillespie, N., & Dietz, G. (2009). Trust repair after an organization-level failure. Academy of Management Review, 34(1), 127-145. Summary This article proposed a framework for understanding how an organization can repair employees’ trust in the organization after an organization-level failure, such as avoidable accidents, … Continue reading Six Components of Repairing Trust After an Organization-Level Failure