Tag Archives: social media

This blog post summarizes “Public Health and Online Misinformation: Challenges and Recommendations,” from Annual Review of Public Health. Dr. Briony Swire-Thompson and Dr. David Lazer explored how individuals interact with inaccurate health information online, and how the ability to access so much information is affecting health outcomes. In addition, the researchers explored how the perceived … Continue reading Public Health and Online Misinformation: Challenges and Recommendations

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Summary Despite the increased interest in employees’ communication behaviors, what prompts them, and the potential contributions to organizational performance, there is little understanding concerning how companies manage employees’ work-related communication, particularly on social media. To gain a better understanding of how organizations enable and motivate … Continue reading Managing the Communicative Organization: A Qualitative Analysis of Knowledge-Intensive Companies

The results of a recently released study suggest that digitalization is the key technology trend to affect PR/Comms in the mid-term yet very few respondents envision their role to “have a research led strategic insight function” within their organization in the near future. It is fair to assume that discussions about giving a central role … Continue reading Measurement and Evaluation Remain a Challenge for PR: According to PR2025 Delphi Study