Tag Archives: internal communication

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Dr. Cen April Yue examined how employees’ perceptions of organizations’ use of bridging and buffering public relations strategies affected their positive responses to organizational change. Bridging strategies are relationship-focused and speak to an organization’s sincerity in narrowing the gaps between the positions of the … Continue reading Fostering Positive Reactions to Change

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Summary Internal communication comprises many forms of interactions in the workplace. While formal communication within organizations has been largely examined, little is known about informal communication concerning its actual relevance for employees and its functions and effects. Researchers zeroed in on informal communication and … Continue reading At The Water-Cooler: Work Time Wasted or Crucial Exchange Among Co-Workers?

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Summary A critical objective of organizations’ crisis communication is to cultivate a motivated and engaged workforce despite adversities. To enhance organizations’ internal crisis communication practice, this study examined how leaders’ motivational communication can facilitate employees’ crisis coping and promote employees’ organizational engagement. More specifically, … Continue reading How Leaders’ Motivational Language Enhanced Employee Engagement During COVID-19

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center In 2021, 47 million employees quit their jobs (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Dubbed as the Great Resignation, the trend of workers voluntarily leaving their work continues this year, with 44% becoming job seekers (Iacurci, 2022). In this post, I introduce an alternative … Continue reading Rethinking Internal Public Relations: The Importance of Community Building

MSL studied how traditional internal communication efforts impact employees’ perceptions of their employer. A survey of 2,300 U.S. adults was conducted from Sept. 29, 2021 – Oct. 14, 2021. The survey respondents included 1,198 employed respondents, with 738 of these respondents considered to be “desk-based employees” (people who spend the majority of their working time … Continue reading Where is Your Water Cooler?

While the world is focused on the ‘Great Resignation,’ there is an increased need for communicators and leaders to be mindful of the ‘Great Realization’ – a trend in which employees are re-examining the way they choose their places of work and find professional and personal fulfillment. It isn’t the benefits, salaries, or policies that … Continue reading Five Internal Communications Trends for 2022 and Beyond

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Summary This study examined how the global pandemic brought new challenges to organizational listening and how organizations handle these barriers. Organizational listening is a strategic management function and an ethical responsibility critical to employee-organization relationships (EOR). Ethical listening involves treating others with respect, paying … Continue reading Organizations Showed Greater Moral Sensitivity During COVID-19

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. The relationship between organizational psychology and internal communication has never been more critical than it is today. COVID-19 continues to test the relevance and adaptability of internal communication. As some companies prepare to return workers to the office after over a year of working … Continue reading The Psychology of Returning Employees to Office: Models for Internal Communicators