Tag Archives: communication

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center Dr. Yeonsoo Kim and colleagues studied how an organization’s base crisis responses and dialogic competency impacted employees’ trust, satisfaction, belonging, and support for the organization during the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey of 378 U.S. employees who worked full-time at small, medium, and large … Continue reading Building Employee Trust through Effective Internal Communication during the Pandemic

Those of us who communicate for a living are in the business of influence. We shape the reputations of our organizations, the narratives coming from leaders’ mouths, and — critically — the stories we tell ourselves about who we are. But today, we seek influence in a media and information landscape of unprecedented complexity. One … Continue reading Who has Influence in Organizations?

This blog is provided by the IPR Behavioral Insights Research Center.  Anyone working in public relations or corporate communication knows that words matter. Behavioral scientists have amassed considerable evidence that even small wording changes can sometimes have surprisingly large effects on people’s attitudes, judgments, and behaviors. Some of this work has focused on wording that contains … Continue reading The Cure Effect: Choosing Your Words Carefully in Health Care Communications

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. My agency conducts the Integral Employee Activation Index study annually with The Harris Poll to understand employee mindset and behaviors. We just did a pulse check and the results stunned me. Employees’ expectations about the issues their employer takes a stand on changed drastically. … Continue reading Employees Concerns Beyond Job Creation and Well-being

EUPRERA outlined current practices and future developments in managing communication in companies, agencies, non-profits, and other organizations. A survey of 1,672 communication professionals in 43 countries throughout 2022. Key Findings: 1.) Diversity, equality, and inclusion are influencing organizational policies and communications worldwide, but only 51% of communicators in Europe have closely followed global trends and … Continue reading European Communication Monitor

PRWeek and Cision examined how communication impacts all aspects of business now more than ever before. A survey of 440 senior-level professionals was conducted from Sept. 15 – Oct. 5, 2022. Key findings include: 1.) 61% of global respondents said the “inability to measure impact effectively” was among their top four issues troubling strategic communicators … Continue reading Measuring Impact is a Main Concern for Communicators in 2023

This blog is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. The relationship between organizational psychology and internal communication has never been more critical than it is today. COVID-19 continues to test the relevance and adaptability of internal communication. As some companies prepare to return workers to the office after over a year of working … Continue reading The Psychology of Returning Employees to Office: Models for Internal Communicators

This blog post is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Summary There is a growing consensus within corporate communication that employees are important communicators. One of the most frequently used concepts for describing employees’ active role as communicators is the concept of ambassadorship. To gain a better understanding of employees’ role as ambassadors … Continue reading Employees as Ambassadors: Embracing New Role Expectations and Coping with Identity-Tensions.

In partnership with PR News, “Lessons Earned” is a series featuring IPR Trustees discussing a hard-fought lesson or triumph that helped to mold or change their career. We’re living through a surreal global health crisis that is testing all of us personally and professionally. Knowledge and skills in risk and crisis communication have become essential. For leaders, … Continue reading Lessons Earned: Leadership in a Pandemic Through the Lens of Higher Education

COVID-19 has brought global commerce to a standstill and risks collapsing the corporate infrastructure of even the most powerful economies in Asia, Europe and North America. National and state governments will be disbursing trillions of dollars of financial assistance in the coming months with the goal of kickstarting the engines of business as the pandemic … Continue reading Six Steps for Companies to Navigate the Pandemic and Thrive in the Future

Download the full report: 2019 IPR Disinformation in Society – Full ReportDownload the press release: Disinformation in Society – Press ReleaseDownload the slides: 2019 IPR Disinformation in Society Report – Shareable SlidesDownload social graphics: False News is a Problem, President Trump Key Findings and Disinformation Culprits  This is an IPR Signature Study. Thank you to our … Continue reading 2019 IPR Disinformation in Society Report

With the social, economic, and technological transformations sweeping the globe, companies and their leaders are challenged to harness disruption and innovation in a rapidly changing environment. In the midst of complexity and chaos, determining how to attract, retain, motivate, and engage talent has become a pressing issue for global business leaders. Workplace dynamics and culture … Continue reading It’s the Best Time for Internal Communicators!